Get your coffee to go via Twitter

Twitter’s march into the mainstream continues to reign supreme in the media, but it’s not just the media who’re jumping on the Twitter bandwagon. For one coffee shop, integrating Twitter into its everyday custom has proved hugely beneficial for those needing their daily coffee fix without the impatient delay. It started with a regular, tweeting this: ‘I want to pre-order a bkfast wrap so I can zip through drive thru to get back for gas man. C’est possible?’. The message was picked up by @coffegroundz and @Maslowbeer was able to pass through the drive-thru without any hold-ups. And the rest (as they say) is history.
As an office full of cappuccino, mocha, latte and frappuccino drinkers and avid Twitterers, we’d benefit immensely from a Twittering pre-ordering coffee service. But alas, this is only a reality for our American chums in Houston, Texas.
Apparently, doing something remarkable with your business or making it stand out – as the owner of this particular coffee house has done – is called becoming the ‘Purple Cow’ (I thought you might like to know). Even Wikipedia couldn’t help me out with the explanation of that one.
After that fun fact, there’s not much left to say apart from, since joining and utilising Twitter, CoffeeGroundz’s clientèle has more than doubled since being able to pre-order. Making money and raking up customer numbers has never seemed so easy, which can be said for ordering your coffee and a burrito too. Starbucks and Café Nero, take note.
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Pre-orders were entirely possible through e-mail, SMS, submitting a form on a Web site, etc. long before Twitter came around.
Twitter really has not added value here other than marketing buzzwords — which will surely die as the novelty wears thin. It’s important to separate the fad from the meat of real revolutionary change.
Nothing that couldn’t have been done over e-mail, a telephone, SMS, a Web page submission form, etc. Twitter really adds nothing to the picture here.
The novelty of Twitter suddenly doesn’t make it useful where all the tools before it failed. It just makes it a novelty.
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