LooTube: Tube toilet map knows all the station hotspots to take a leak

toilet signs_01_0000.jpgHands up who’s been trapped in a tube station, then after what feels like hours of playing the waiting game (they say 7 minutes but it’s really like 11), you suddenly have the insistent urge to relieve yourself. The only problem… you’re at a station that doesn’t possess any toilet facilities (other than odorous urine filled corners that have been mistaken as toilets in the past, which, no matter how drunk, you would never degrade yourself). And if such facilities exist, the station is very *very* clever at hiding them – perhaps for the amusing pleasure of staff watching people make a mad dash around the station while hopping up and down on CCTV (or eventually wetting themselves).

Hopefully, TFL’s efforts to create the Toilet Tube Map, detailing all stations with toilet facilities and a map showing their locations, will not be in vain. So the next time you have that horrible underground urge, firstly get a signal, then remember TTM which will show you the lavatories inside Tube ticket barriers and those that are ticket free.

This is great news for all of us who know what it’s like when you need to go or have had too much to drink, which your bladder ultimately ends up paying for (and sometimes your reputation and good name – who saw the YT video of the girl taking a leak on Oxford Street on NYE? Ewww). I remember a very embarrassing incident involving a 13 minute wait at Bank tube station, *a lot* of repetition of the words “you will not wet yourself, you will not” and having to use all the concentration I had within, to prevent my bladder causing immense embarrassment.

The site – www.tfl.gov.uk/accessguides. Now download and save it – it probably will come in handy one late night.

[via The Metro]

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Lucy Hedges


  • Westminster have also set up a genius texting service so you can find the nearest public loo when your caught short.. on Oxford Street.. on New Years Eve. You just have to text ‘toilet’ to 80097 and they’ll send you details of the nearest lav. Piece of p*ss.

  • This is great news for all of us who know what it’s like when you need to go or have has too muchto drink, which your bladder ultimately ends up paying for, i remember a very embarrassing incident involving a 13 minute wait at bank tube station, and having to use all the concentration i had within tp prevent my bladder causing immense embarrassment.

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