The MP3 player that's disguised as a USB drive

At first glance the Kana Micro Digital audio players look like a bunch of run of the mill USB drives. Upon closer inspection, they still look like a bunch of USB sticks. But as you’ve probably construed from the title (and the first sentence), they are in fact MP3 players assuming the guise of USB drives. This multi-coloured assortment of MP3 players from Green House aren’t going to wow the audiophiles or change any lives, but less discerning MP3 users may want to pocket this affordable musical device.
You will however, need to provide your own microSD card (up to 2GB) for storage, but once that’s sorted you can get around two hours of musical euphoria, before it needs to fill up on battery life via the USB connector.
It’s available in Japan for ¥1,480, which works out to be around $16 USD or £11.20. So if it ever makes it over to our shores, it’ll be retailing for bargainous prices.
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