USB prosthetic finger gives the thumb trick a whole new meaning

Remember when you were an unsuspecting young whipper snapper and your granddad thought it was a good idea to freak the hell out of you by pretending his thumb had been detached from it socket? Well, for this unfortunate person, everyday is a thumb finger trick day (what a great way to freak out the…

Lenova Pocket Yoga – the netbook that should have been

Lenovo got web dwellers hot under the collar recently by letting a few images of its concept netbook - the Pocket Yoga - slip onto its Flickr photo stream. I don't quite know what to make of the moniker 'Pocket Yoga'. Is it spirituality and tranquillity in your pocket? I don't get it. Oh, it's…

Apple introduces iPhone 3.0 update to the world

Apple calls its new iPhone OS 3.0 a "major update" to the innards of the iPhone and iPod Touch. And with 100 new features to sink your teeth into, this summer will be the time to put all calls on hold to familiarise yourself with your new functions, including stereo Bluetooth, voice memo, the ability…

Shiny Review: Dell Latitude E4200

The Dell E4200 Latitude may not be as aesthetically pleasing as the recently announced Adamo laptop, but according to Dan, it's a nice piece of mobile computing equipment and a great alternative to a netbook. The extended 6 cell battery lets the design down a bit, but without it, you lose the five to six…

Get instant mail with T-Mobile

T-Mobile wants you to forget about checking emails on your web browser and instead take advantage of the Instant Email service it has just launched for £3.50 a month. That's £3.50 per month to have your emails delivered directly to your message inbox - forget the web. You can store up to five email accounts,…

Shiny Gallery: Green gadgets for St Patrick's Day

Today is the day Ireland receives a national holiday and today is the day we celebrate Saint Patrick, one of the patron saints of Ireland. It's on this joyous occasion that people like to get utterly and completely inebriated on Guinness, doing so wearing hats shaped like clovers. That's right - it's St Patrick's Day.…

Dell challenges the MacBook Air with the Adamo

Dell has opted for slim and stylish with this rather stunning laptop, officially known as the Adamo. Not only is it good looking but Dell must be feeling pretty smug right about now for confidently claiming 'the world's thinnest laptop" title, knocking the MacBook Air into third place (the second place going to HPs Voodoo…

Sony Ericsson's MS500 is palm sized audio pleasure

Wireless speakers are great aren't they? Why should you limit you music to the confines of your headphones, when there are plenty of audible units willing to house it for you? Take the MS500 for instance. According to the press release, Sony Ericsson's MS500 Outdoor Wireless Speaker "gives you the festival experience wherever you are…

TFL destroys hopes of a mobile phone/Underground relationship

Just when you thought you'd be able to imperviously annoy fellow commuters down in the realms of the London Underground with your conversation about that night, TFL goes and ruins the party before it's even begun. For those who don't know the background - here's a bit of history. In March 2007, TFL decided to…

iPhone to get its price slashed before new Apple phone launches?

Have you been waiting for the iPhone to get a price cut so you can finally be as cool as your iPhone toting pals? Well today my friends, you're in luck. The rumour mill tells us O2 could be about to strip the iPhone of its current price tag and replace it with a more…