The 3D pixel table puts the DIY in furniture
Imagine screen pixels. Now imagine those pixels in 3D form. And now imagine taking those 3D pixels to create your own table or desk in a style akin to those plastic cubes you used in primary school to assist with your maths. The concept Pixel table gives a whole new meaning to four sided furniture. Not only does it redefine the world of the bland and boring table, but it requires you to get in touch with your creative side to create your tabletop masterpiece.
As it’s a DIY project this means one week it can be a coffee table, the next, a work station to any configuration of choice “depending on the situation and desires”. The possibilities are (almost) endless. As it requires self assembling, box by box, I think it’s fair to say you’re going to need to set aside at least a couple of hours to create your four legged or maybe even three legged creation.

[via Fun Furde]
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