Trendy laptops alert – shame they're just concepts

The barrage of black/metallic laptops is starting to wane somewhat. Who says laptop users want their computing equipment housed in a boringly bog-standard chassis’. It doesn’t say anything about you, does it – other than that you are perhaps a bit boring yourself. What about injecting some pizaz into your laptops outer shell? That was design Nikita Buyanov’s thoughts exactly when she designed this bunch of covetable concept laptops for HP. Not only are they innovative, but they are drop dead gorgeous designs that’d make any laptop owner feel like an individual with their own style.
She may need to turn the hi-tech features of the HP Chameleon down a notch (above) as a laptop with the ability to transform its shell to look like its surroundings is a bit too fanciful for where we are currently at in consumer gadgetry.
Her other design is environmentally friendly shaped and green (just in case you forget you’re saving the planet) and has been aptly named the HP Eco. It sounds like an environmentalists dream – solar charging cells, a barcode reader for food products and a bangle accessory for blood pressure control and pulse (you know, should you see something rage inducing on the web?).
The last two laptops are the kind we’re unlikely to see on the market for quite some time as they’re perhaps a little too specialist and run the risk of collecting cobwebs on stockist’s shelves. The HP Make-Up is a prime example of this and just by looking at the picture it’s easy to see why. For a start it’s pink, the screen can change into a mirror and the optical drive seems to have been replaced by a makeup pallet. HP Fitness is another of her outlandish designs. Designed for the fitness buffs (obviously) this laptop comes with a bangle for sports/exercise sessions and an robust outer shell as it also doubles up as a scale – in case you want to check your weight wherever you are.
Perhaps the most outlandish of the lot is the HP Nobag, with its thin screen and keyboard that can fold down to the size “of a handy folded umbrella”.
The future of computing sure sounds exciting.

[via Elite Choice]
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