The Top Ten Terrible games revealed at E3: Save your pennies for Halo Reach
E3 excitement has most gamers rubbing their hands in a frenzy of anticipation and trying to wonder what they can pawn/steal to afford some of the releases soon heading to our shores. Burt amongst the many, many great game son offer, are some whose quality is slightly more questionable. Here’s our round up of the games you SHOULDN’T get this year…
I just love how most of the games are either on Wii, DS or PS3. I also just love how the title tells you to save for Reach, as if Microsoft’s money pig hasn’t made enough off of XBoxfags. I mean, over a hundred bucks for the special edition of a game that’ll probably be outdated in a few months is way too much, even for Nintendo’s standards (And they still charge 50 bucks for SSBB)
I think I’ll stick to playing good games that aren’t just rehashes of old ones, especially when that game has a control scheme that’s actually innovative and not just ‘shoot shoot drive shoot WINNER’.
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