Using iPhone apps to keep healthy and fight flu

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Well everyone’s caught onto how iPhones help your health: whether you want to diet, make a tourniquet for your leg, or err.. have a baby. Hell who even needs a doctor these days [joke].

Anyway if iPhones can be a source of first aid, menstruation calendars and relaxing bell music it stands to reason that they stand alongside paracetemol, gin and those antibiotic water-free handwashes in the front-line against colds and flus.
Because that’s the sort of horrible stuff that’s going around at the minute. Just search twitter for flu. It’s depressing.

Anyway here are three apps that may help you fight off colds (providing you disinfect your touch screen in between uses).

1. Stress Check, free on iTunes
Stress makes you tired and tired makes you ill right? This helps you monitor your stress levels by asking you questions like how you feel about your finances and your job it then draws you up a little bar chart highlighting areas you need to work on.
Though described as “Fun and Useless” by a reviewer, still, it’s free, and might make you think about your life and how you can make things easier on yourself.

2. Pill reminder on iTunes
If your throbbing head doesn’t remind you enough that you need to take medication, pain relief, antibiotics whatever, then this will with its push notification.
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3. St John’s Ambulance First Aid
on iTunes
Who know when your headache and bleary vision will make you cause a traffic accident? Best be prepared for all medical eventualities as direct or indirect results of your cold.

4. Nutrition menu on iTunes
You’ve got a cold? You should be packing in the vitamin C. Use nutrition menu to see how much vital vitamins the foods you eat have.

And one app that’s not going to help you with anything
Swine Flu Scanner (Lite version free) on iTunes
Press your finger on the screen and it tells you whether you’ve got swine flu – NOT. Though it may be categorised under medicine, this is a lol app, as you may infer from the cartoon picture of the pig, and the fact that phones cannot diagnose what is going on in your throat or bloodstream through your finger.

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Anna Leach

One thought on “Using iPhone apps to keep healthy and fight flu

  • I just found this video on You Tube that really shows how germs and viruses spread. It is so cool. It’s meant for kids but I even learned a lot!

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