App Fluff: the Witty Kitty iPhone app cat makes puns when you stroke it

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As pointless apps go, this is the sort of pointless app that will appeal to people who like cats, and puns.

Oh that would be me then. Yes.

Witty Kitty is an app that lets you stroke a (virtual) cat while it writhes around and makes cat-based puns every so often. You have to stroke him the right way to get a pun out of him. Though the stroking is a little jerky on the whole it is quite a therapeutic app.

I have to say that the puns are pretty bad: “Are you of the Kitty-Loving Purrsuasion” is one. I know they’re meant to be bad, and I’ve made many bad jokes in my time sure, but more lols please. It is still far from the raw grumpy genius of a good lolcat.

Witty Kitty, £0.50 from iTunes

Anna Leach

One thought on “App Fluff: the Witty Kitty iPhone app cat makes puns when you stroke it

  • LOLcats are so over. Kitties are undergoing an image change. Punning and correct grammar is what the kids want these days. You’ll be loling, just you wait. Just continue to please the kitty. Please him, Anna.

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