Gray Powell memes: lose an iPhone, gain a whole lot of viral net content

So Steve Jobs probably doesn’t love him, but the internet is alllll over him. Him and his liking for German ale and his little slip-up with a prototype of the summer’s most hyped gadget, whether it was lost or stolen.

So Gizmodo were not afraid of fingering the 27 year old Apple engineer by publishing two posts about him, one explaining how he lost the 4G iPhone and the other how kind of sneakily commiserating with him.

Anyway, the memes are coming thick and fast. See our gallery of five great memes…

Anna Leach


  • there were made lots of funny commercials about this movie, when Hitler is all upset and he yells.

  • This is so funny, there were made lots of funny commercials about this movie, when Hitler is all upset and he yells.

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