You lost your phone – just don't make a Facebook Event about it


There now I’ve said it. I’m sorry you dropped your phone on the bus/had it filched from your bag/or just left it in the pub and sure, you can have my number again, but do not for the love of god make a Facebook event about it.

That’s the wrong use of the events function don’t you see? A status update by all means, a group message – yes (but watch the reply alls) and a group, you know, fine. But while you losing your phone may have been an event in your life, it doesn’t make it a facebook event. It already happened. And then you can’t just invite all your friends to the event of you losing your phone?

Where is it? Do they Attend, Not Attend or Maybe Attend? And the fact that it goes on for 5 weeks is just downright illogical.

And means it always stays at the top of your events page as an ongoing event.

[as pointed out by Thom @sonnypike]
Anna Leach

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