Facebook's new Panic button and five other buttons I'd like them to introduce
Facebook made headlines today with the annoucement of a “Panic Button” aimed at kids at risk of cyber-bullying or worse on the site.
Facebook UK launched the initiative with the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). The “panic button” — is a Facebook app that adds a tab onto your Facebook profile, clicking on it takes you straight to the site’s advice and reporting centre, That includes a dedicated facility for reporting abuse and suspected grooming. Though the nickname has stuck, the tab’s official name is ClickCEOP and it will be offered to all users between 13-18.
It’s a good idea and I’m glad they’re taking the issue seriously.
However, I wish Facebook would introduce a few Panic buttons for their 18+ audience too. While no-one’s tried to groom us recently, the older hardened users need help too sometimes. And quickly…
Here are five more buttons I suggest Facebook introduces:
1. The OMFG Emergency Untag Button
– a speedy way to detag from those godawful pictures, saving you precious seconds in your haste to detag the bad ones.
2. The I Can’t Take Any More Notifications About Farmville Today Button
– it takes them right out, instantly, reducing blood pressure and averting potential thrombosis.
3. The Can Somebody Please Write on My Wall Button
– you can’t keep refreshing the news feed for ever and you’re probably going to burst into tears if no-one likes your new Facebook Profile picture in the next five minutes. This would send out a plea to your friends.
4. The Take Me Straight to the Profile of the Person I Fancy Button
– why pretend you’re interested in anything else.
5. The Witty Comeback Generator Button
– Hopefully this would reduce the number of people writing “lol” becuase they can’t think of the appropriate comeback, enriching the conversation for everyone.
Related: Yes people put drunk pictures on Facebook & what of it? Why the media needs to grow up..
One thought on “Facebook's new Panic button and five other buttons I'd like them to introduce”
i don’t have one actually. i feel like the only teenager that doesn’t have one and i don’t care./p>
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