SNEAK PREVIEW: New Facebook pushes Questions harder


A quick glimpse of a new-look Facebook shows a slightly reorganised interface and increased importance for Facebook Questions.

In the new input box at the top of each page there will be the option “add a status”, ask a question, share images, or share a link. It’s significant that “Ask a Question” is now the second option, coming before “share a link”. Clearly it’s a feature Facebook are keen to push.

This could just be a try out version but the picture above was in a slide show about how brands can use Facebook which I covered here and here which Facebook sent me as a pdf this afternoon, it was quite low-res, which was why the picture is a little fuzzy below..

Questions was introduced by Facebook a while ago, but after an intial flurry of activity, it seems to have gone a bit quiet. This reorganisation is a small change but it will be interesting to see if it pushes Questions into the mainstream, which could see Facebook instead of Google or Yahoo becoming the go-to solution and answer site. It’s a way of making use of the huge numbers of people on Facebook.

Related: Question: Why has Facebook introduced Facebook Questions?

UPDATED: 25/10/10

Anna Leach