New Google Goggles app – will change how you shop & let you cheat on Sudoku


Smart Android app Google Goggles just got better as Google updated it with faster smarter barcode recognition and the ability to link real world adverts to online shops. The key changes:

Barcode search has been on Goggles for a while, but Google have speeded it up, and it now send you directly to an online shopping results page, letting you compare prices in store, while looking at an item.

Excellent image recognition means that the app can now read text in paper form and translate it into type that it can understand and use to search for stuff. That means that pointing your phone at a watch ad on a page in a magazine will take you directly to a web page where that watch is being sold.

And yes, now you can totally cheat at all sudoku, and win. You can beat the US national champion. Err. Thanks for that Google.

full post on the Google Blog

Anna Leach


  • Cool app. i’d like to give it a go and see just how well it works. Not sure the sundoko thing is good though.

  • Wow! That is an interesting app. I can’t wait to use it and purchase from using that app.

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