Pinterest: 5 reasons why you should use the online scrapbook


Pinterest – an online scrapbook service – has been garnering interest today. It works like a online scrapbook for you to store, share and find fun tings on the internet.

Here are five reasons you should use it:

1. You want somewhere to store all the nice things you see on the netz but don’t want to add them all into your BookMark bar.

2. You’re a visual kinda person: there are lots of pretty pictures on this and it encourages you to post big quality pictures too.

3. You like: Paper, Leather, Cushions and Latin American fabrics – there’s a lot of craft stuff on this site right now, so if you’re into your lifestyle purchases and nice pictures of cushions, this is a good site.

4. You want to discover new stuff – sure a lot of that new stuff will be cushions done in traditional Latin American styles

5. You want to make friends who are interested in the same things as you – certainly, this kind of works on Twitter, but it should work slightly better on Pinterest where the topics of conversation are more clearly laid out and it’s easier to find the power users who are most influential in their area…

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Anna Leach