5 Celebrities who quit Twitter [DRAMA QUEENS]

Most of Twitter can be divided into three categories, social media “experts” tweeting about infographics, award ceremonies and blogger lists, Justin Bieber fans tweeting about Justin Bieber and celebrities tweeting about how awesome/boring their lives are.

Some celebrities clearly leave the tweeting to their management teams, some take to it like a duck to water and some tweet and tweet and tweet then get mad when crazy people start to respond. So mad that they throw big strops, get aggressive, start ranting (we’re looking at you Kanye) or quit Twitter for good (or at least pretend to).

Here are just five sparkling celebs who threw online tantrums and decided to leave Twitter to the Justin Bieber fans, Katy Perry wannabes and marketing “gurus” at least for a few months before they came running back to the big blue bird.

[All Images via Press Association]
Becca Caddy


  • The most recent celebrity to have called it a day is Alec Baldwin, who simplytweeted this morning, “It's been fun 

  • So mad that they throw big strops, get aggressive, start ranting (we're looking at you Kanye) or quit Twitter for good

  • So mad that they throw big strops, get aggressive, start ranting (we're looking at you Kanye) or quit Twitter for good

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