Google Maps will stop you getting lost inside now too
Ahh Google Maps, without that shiny little app we’d have been even later for meetings, died of caffeine withdrawal on multiple occasions and would never have stood a chance of finding that pretentious cocktail bar.
Well good news, the popular service ventured indoors at a number of key locations in the US and Japan last year, but now it’s set to be rolled out here in the UK too.
Android users will soon be able to click on one of 40 venues (that are mainly in London, sorry), including airports, shopping centres and public spaces, and will be able to view a detailed floor plan to help them find their way around.
The latest iteration of the app, Google Maps 6.0+ , will also tell you whereabouts you are, which exit you’re closest to and the floor that you’re on. This may all sound like a hell of a lot of technology to find your way around what is essentially just a building, but in huge airports when you’re worrying about a flight or conference centres, the added indoor capability could be really handy.
[Via The Next Web]
Android users will soon be able to click on one of 40 venues (that are mainly in London, sorry), including airports, shopping centres and public spaces, and will be able to view a detailed floor plan to help them find their way around.
This may all sound like a hell of a lot of technology to find your way around what is essentially just a building, but in huge airports when you're worrying about a flight or conference centres, the added indoor capability could be really handy.
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