This body-scanning 'inspiration corridor' helps you to shop
As brands begin to develop more advanced retail solutions both on and offline, we’re coming across innovative ideas that blur the two worlds in order to give customers an even better experience when they visit their favourite stores.
We love the idea behind the Inspiration Corridor, developed the France-based shopping centre Klepierre and creative agency DigitasLBI Paris. The corridor utilises facial recognition technology, profiling algorithms and purchase history in order to serve up clothing suggestions to shoppers in need of a helping hand.
When a shopper enters this high-tech, walk-in wardrobe, a Kinect works in tandem with Quividi video to identify all kinds of things about them, including their age, gender and the types of clothes they’re already wearing. The touchscreens around the shopper then display recommendations for clothes, shoes and accessories that they can find in the rest of the mall. If they see something they like, they simply tap on it and the information will be sent to their smartphones, along with indoor GPS directions to the right store.
The Inspiration Corridor may not always serve up the best suggestions given that it only has an insight into what you’re wearing right now, but it’s an innovative way of bringing online features, like profiling, recommendations and purchase history info, into your real world experience.