10 best bright and colourful iPad Air cases for summer: Kate Spade, Knomo and Covert

The sun is (kind of) shining, festivals are underway and our red, British sunburn is making us want to rip our shoulders off, which means only one thing: it’s summertime. Over the next few weeks we’ll be bringing you our pick of the best tech and accessories for the hot and sticky months ahead, including outdoor gadgets, tips for the ultimate holiday selfie and, of course, the brightest accessories we could find across the whole wide interweb. Today I’ve picked out the best bright and colourful cases for the iPad Air. If you have your eyes on any other cases or want an accessory roundup all about your phone or tablet, let us know in the comments below.

Knomo Red iPad Sleeve

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The Knomo brand produces some of the highest quality and durable accessories on the market. Although they always come with a steep price tag, we have fallen in love with this bright red case for the iPad made from leather with a soft interior.

Available from Knomo for £100.

Becca Caddy