Sony Xperia Z2 still works after 6 weeks under the sea

We know that Sony has been trumpeting the waterproof capability of the Xperia Z2 phone since it was released earlier this year, but it seems that even Sony could not have predicted how durable it is.

According to reports from Sweden, a lost Xperia Z2’s stubborn will to survive has allowed it to be pulled up from the sea in full working order, an astonishing six weeks after it was first submerged.

Alexander Maxén accidentally dropped his Xperia Z2 to a depth of more than 10 metres when he was out water-skiing with a friend in Gottskär, around 250 miles west of Stockholm. He gave up any hope of finding it after an initial search proved fruitless. 

But it was not to be: six weeks later, a friend of Maxén’s spotted the phone on the seabed while scuba diving, and brought it to the surface.

Incredibly, it still worked. In spite of looking a bit beat-up, the phone lit up when its charging cable was plugged in and can function normally. The battery life has waned a bit, though, according to its surprised owner.

Sony itself has marketed the phone to survive only in fresh water for half an hour or less, and only up to a depth of 1.5 metres – so this extreme case is bound to cause a stir. An already impressive phone has been proven to be even better than its developers thought!

Read our full review of the Xperia Z2 here.


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Sadie Hale