Etsy sex toy ban sparks seller outrage, Nothing launches budget CMF Phone1

Sex toys and many other erotic items are to be banned from online marketplace Etsy – sparking a backlash from sellers. Also prohibited from 29 July will be items which – when modelled – expose body parts such as female nipples or the cleft between the buttocks. Etsy – which focusses on handmade, vintage and craft items – said new rules on sales were being introduced because of “evolving industry standards.” Affected sellers have told the BBC they feel let down by the policy change, which they predict will cause their revenues to plummet. BBC 

A pill for couples struggling to conceive with IVF treatment has been found to increase the chances of pregnancy, scientists say. Researchers said initial trials of the drug – known as OXO-001 and created by Spanish biotech company Oxolife – showed “promising” results. It acts directly on the inner lining of the womb to improve the embryo implantation process during fertility treatment. Around 96 infertile women who were aged 40 or under and were receiving fertility treatment at 28 centres across Europe took part in the study. Sky News 

I’ve never had so much fun taking a phone apart. That’s a misleading statement; I haven’t really taken any phones apart lately, but when CMF’s Phone 1 arrived, that’s the first thing I did. Because this one, my friends, is built different. It won’t be widely available in the US, but if you’re game, you can get one through Nothing’s beta program — and for $199, that’s seriously tempting. CMF, Nothing’s budget-conscious but still extremely style-driven subbrand, is shipping its first phone, the aptly named Phone 1. The Verge 

Landlords have come under fire for banning prospective tenants from working from home, resulting in calls for new legislation to protect renters. In what appears to be a new trend, adverts for shared homes have been appearing, specifying that the potential new occupant must not work from home. Now, the charity Generation Rent has called upon the new government to impose regulations to stop the practice, which is arguably given force by Section 21 “no-fault” eviction powers. Independent 

We are just a few days away from the Galaxy Unpacked event scheduled for July 10 at the Louvre Museum in Paris. Here, Samsung is expected to debut the Galaxy Z Flip6Galaxy Z Fold6Galaxy Watch7, Galaxy Watch UltraGalaxy Buds3 series, and the health-tracking Galaxy Ring. Information about the Galaxy Ring has already leaked several times in the past. Last month, mosaic promo images of all the products expected to debut at the Unpacked event were leaked. It confirmed that the Galaxy Ring is finally coming. Neowin

Australian owners of Tesla batteries could miss out on lucrative revenue streams because the US energy giant restricts the devices’ ability to interact locally with third parties and authorities continue to dither over setting and enforcing standards. An increasing number of products from air conditioners to hot water heaters and solar panels can be controlled remotely, and consumers can sign deals rewarding them for altering power usage during peak load periods, including supplying electricity to grid. The Guardian 

Labour’s plans to embark on a data centre building spree are being put at risk by the competition watchdog, Amazon has warned. Amazon, whose web services division is the world’s biggest provider of cloud computing services, said that intervention in the industry could “[prevent] our ability to make these investments”. The company has committed to spending billions of pounds on data centre infrastructure in the UK but said proposals to crack down on fees and incentives would make building new hubs less likely. Telegraph 

Chris Price