What are Some of the Coolest Things That the Internet Has Brought Back into Fashion?

The days before the internet and the current time are two vastly different ages, with the online world opening up so many more possibilities than before. The World Wide Web has changed the way we do almost everything, but it has also helped to keep a few pre-internet things alive.

Indeed, some pastimes and pieces of technology could have easily gone obsolete when the internet came along. Instead, they have been revived online and have enjoyed a resurgence among modern audiences.


Plinko is a great example of a classic game that many would have thought hard to transform into a digital offering. After all, the ball-dropping offering is known to be highly random, with a different outcome every time. Even if you put the ball in the same slot at the top, it’s impossible to predict its ending position at the bottom.

It has been adapted for modern audiences, and many people play Plinko game online now thanks to the use of advanced technology to simulate the randomness of the game. The online offering uses a random number generator to replicate the way it behaves in a real-world situation. Players place a bet and then watch the ball drop down, hoping that it will land in a multiplier at the bottom.

Vinyl Records


It has been a long time since vinyl records represented the most high-tech way to listen to music. Over the years, they’ve been replaced by various updates including compact discs, mini discs, and MP3s. However, retro trends online have helped bring this medium back into the mainstream with modern audiences.

Instead of being relics of the past, today’s music enthusiasts have started to argue that the analogue sound quality of vinyl is superior to digital formats. Various social media influencers have contributed to the revival of this old-school format, and now there are various online stores that give people the chance to pick up classic albums.

Polaroid Cameras

The Polaroid camera was one of the precursors to today’s instant photography available on smartphones. The classic format is hardly required in today’s photography landscape but, like vinyl, some people enjoy the retro feel of this format.

Some camera brands such as Fujifilm have now introduced new instant cameras that blend the vintage aesthetics of old with modern technology. It has led to some unique options for photography, which can then be shared online to inspire others to jump on the craze.


Analogue Watches

In today’s world of fitness tracking smartwatches that alert you about everything from when your eggs have finished boiling to your resting heart rate, you’d be forgiven to think that there’s no longer a place for analogue watches. However, these classic devices are on the rise again with today’s internet users.

Thanks to online forums and platforms like YouTube, there are appreciation groups emerging online to discuss the beauty and style of analogue watches. The industry is now thriving thanks to affluent millennials.

It’s great that the internet has kept various things alive rather than sentence them to becoming obsolete. It seems that there will always be an opportunity to revive retro things if people can market them well.
