Next-gen data storage could be based on our brains

Researchers have built a new platform that could be the basis for data storage that’s smaller and faster than ever. Their inspiration? The human brain. Scientists from RMIT University in Melbourne and the University of California, Santa Barbara worked together to make a structure using a thin, oxide film that’s 10,000 times thinner than a…

Scientists have built the best invisibility device yet

Scientists have developed a new device that can make objects invisible (yes, just like in Harry Potter. OK, a bit like in Harry Potter. Either way, I think we can all agree that JK was a tech prophet). A team from the University of Rochester led by professor of physics John Howell, and graduate student…

Web founder Tim Berners-Lee wants an online bill of rights

Tim Berners-Lee, the man who invented the web (sidebar: that was 25 years ago, can you believe it?!), wants to ensure that the internet is free from government (or corporate) intrusion. Speaking at the Web We Want festival in London at the weekend, he said that we need to ensure that our internet freedoms aren’t…

China’s reportedly blocked Instagram due to Hong Kong protests

What do we want? #democracy! When do we want it? [Censored]. Yep, it looks like everyone's favourite photo-sharing service is now blocked in China. Boo. As filled with other people's shoes, food, and engagement rings as Instagram can be, it's also a great way for people to record what's happening, especially when huge global events…

Scientists morphed celebrity pics to learn how we remember faces

A team of neuroscientists from around the world, including Britain, has been asking people to look at morphed photos of celebrities, such as the mash-up of Angelina Jolie and Halle Berry above. And it’s not just because they want recognition for their Photoshop skills. Well, not entirely. The researchers’ aim was to discover how our…

Couples who meet via online dating are more likely to break up

Cupid is not going to be OK when he hears this news. According to a new study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, couples who meet via online dating are less likely to stay together than couples who first encounter each other IRL. Recent research from eHarmony found that one in three…

Yoga and meditation make it easier to control a computer with your mind

Practicing yoga or meditation makes it easier to control a computer with your mind, according to new research. Biomedical engineers from the University of Minnesota recruited 36 study participants, 12 of whom had at least a year’s experience of yoga or meditation and 24 of whom had little to no experience. None of them had…

This scientist wants to implant false memories while people sleep

A U.S scientist is raising money to research whether it’s possible to implant false memories in someone’s brain, like in the movie Inception. (Spoiler alerts run out after a year or two, right?) I don't know about you, but there are a lot of films I wouldn’t mind spending some time in. Sure, I’d get…

A new wearable senses skin temperature to monitor heart health

We just shared ten ways medical wearables are changing medicine for the better, and now here's another innovative example. It’s a small (around 5cm square) ultra-thin patch that sits on the skin and is usually worn on the wrist. It was developed by scientists at Northwestern University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Each…

Transport for London launches #HomeSafeSelfie, but will it really keep us safe?

Transport for London has launched a new hashtag, #HomeSafeSelfie, which asks women to post a pic on Twitter or Instagram after a night out to let their friends and followers know they got home safely. It's part of a campaign highlighting the dangers of unbooked, unlicenced minicabs and recommending people download the free Cabwise app…