CES 2015: the OriHime robot is a second body for bedbound patients

We've seen some incredible health innovations at CES this year, and one of our favourites is the OriHime robot by Ory Laboratory. It's a sweet, alien-esque robot that acts as a 'personal avatar' - or, effectively, second body - for people who are injured or ill enough that they can't go out. Here's a video…

CES 2015: we go hands-on with Kodak’s IM5 Android smartphone

We've previously mentioned Kodak's anticipated IM5 Android smartphone, and now we've had a chance to see it close up on the show floor at CES. Take a look at the video below to see some of the key features and the somewhat surprising audience Kodak is aiming for with this phone, which will be released…
InTheFrow Victoria

shinyshiny speaks to InTheFrow’s Victoria: the fashion and beauty blogger with a PhD

It's hard to miss Victoria, better known as InTheFrow (pronounced 'fro' – it's short for 'front row') if you're looking for fashion, beauty or lifestyle inspiration. In fact, I was blithely shopping for dresses the other day when she popped up modelling a Little Mistress number, and they're far from the only brand desperate to borrow a bit of…

CES 2015: walk at 7 miles an hour with Rollkers’ turbo shoes

The tech on show at CES ranges from the everyday to the bonkers, and Rollkers are definitely on the crazier end of the spectrum. The somewhat awkwardly-named invention slips over your existing shoes (even high heels, I was surprised to learn) and turbo-charges your walking. You go twice as fast as peons using their actual…

CES 2015: the Roost smart battery adds WiFi to any smoke detector

There's an enormous amount of connected home devices being shown off at CES this year, but one of our favourites is also one of the simplest. The Roost smart battery is the size and shape of a normal 9V battery - the type that smoke detectors use - but with a built-in WiFi chip that…

CES 2015: Netflix announces the Recommended TV Programme

LG and Netflix have been working together for some time now on bringing the best possible experience to consumers watching streaming services. Today Greg Peters, Chief Streaming and Partnerships Officer at Netflix, took the stage during LG's CES presentation to talk about a new venture: the Netflix Recommended TV Programme. The two companies worked together…

Nenx app review: Wolf of Wall Street for beginners

If, like me, you read about the teenager who allegedly made $72m on the stock market with his tutoring money (yes, he was lying, big surprise) and thought 'maybe I could do that with a bit of seed money,' listen up. Nenx is aimed squarely at you. It's an iPhone and Android app designed to…

Our favourite last-minute gift of 2014: a subscription to bacon

Subscription boxes have exploded this year (er, not literally) – you can subscribe to everything from the more traditional beauty products to geek goods, cheese, even tampons. But we've found one that beats them all: bacon. Cure & Simple are a UK-based company that offer a weekly, fornightly or monthly delivery of bacon, and you…