Simple Ways To Make Money From Home and Online

If you are looking for some ways to make money in your spare time, then there are so many things that you can do. Some serious money can be made from home, or you could just look to make some extra pocket money; it is all good, depending on what you need. Here are some…

Is the ownership era coming to an end as we embrace sharing economy?

One in four Brits believe the ownership era is coming to an end as we embrace the sharing economy. A poll of 2,000 UK adults found that more than 40 per cent believe they’ll never own their own home. And it also emerged currently less than half the nation own cars outright. The results of…

A Show Offs Home

A show offs home is definitely one to be proud of. A show offs home explains itself. It’s a home that’s so perfect to you, and one that you’re so happy with no matter what, that you can’t help but show it off to other people. But getting your home to this point isn’t going…

Make Running Your Home Business Much Easier

Of all the kinds of business you can run, one which you operate entirely from home has many distinct advantages, as well as a number of real challenges. Understanding how to deal with these specific challenges is something that you need to look into if you hope to make running that business considerably easier, and…

7 Designer Shower Heads That Redefine Bathrooms

  The most basic definition of a shower is “a cubicle or bath in which one stands under a spray of water to wash”. They can also can boost your physical and mental health. Soothe tense shoulder muscles? Tick. Ease a headache? Tick. Improve circulation? Tick. Calm the mind? Absolutely. Improve sleep quality? You betcha!…

How To Take Time For Yourself As A Busy Parent

When you’re a busy parent, taking time for yourself can be a difficult task. How are you supposed to fit in all of the things that you want to do, when you’re so busy trying to keep your home (relatively) clean, you have a bunch of other commitments that you need to carry on with,…

Smeg launches colourful, retro looking SMF03 stand mixer for £449

Italian high end kitchen appliances company Smeg has launched the latest addition to its family of versatile stand mixers. The beautiful, retro-looking SMF03 model has, claims Smeg, been meticulously crafted to be the ultimate baking machine. The most striking design evolution of the SMF03 is that both the motor housing head and basement match to…

Smeg and Disney collaborate on limited edition £1699 Mickey Mouse fridge

Usually when a mouse has been spotted near the fridge it's not a good thing. But in this case, it's nothing to worry about. Following on from recent collabs with Dolce&Gabbana, Mini and Veuve Cliquot, Italian appliance brand Smeg has teamed up with Disney to create a limited edition commemorative fridge. Launched to celebrate Smeg's two…

Finishing Touches to Make Your Property’s Interiors Perfect

When it comes to interior design, the majority of us tend to take on an all or nothing mindset. Either we completely redecorate our entire property, or leave things as they are for extended periods of time. However, sometimes you can significantly improve the appearance of your property without going all out. Here are just…