Category: Trending
The week in hashtags: #JeSuisCharlie, #JeSuisAhmed, #FoxNewsFacts, #AskHerMore, #CES2015
From the hashtags you've definitely seen to the ones you might have missed, here's social media's take on an eventful week. #JeSuisCharlie A hashtag that needs no introduction, the Spartacus-inspired tag for the victims of Wednesday's terror attacks against French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has been used 4.7 million times as a tribute, a show…
Minnesota brothers build huge and incredible snow sculptures
Post by Bartz Snow Sculptures. We may be pretty snow-less here in the UK, but across the pond, three brothers are hard at work building some massive sculptures. As the Huffington Post writes, Bartz brothers Austin, Trevor and Connor have just completed a 12-foot-high sea turtle sculpture in their backyard. The trio has been working…
shinyshiny speaks to InTheFrow’s Victoria: the fashion and beauty blogger with a PhD
It's hard to miss Victoria, better known as InTheFrow (pronounced 'fro' – it's short for 'front row') if you're looking for fashion, beauty or lifestyle inspiration. In fact, I was blithely shopping for dresses the other day when she popped up modelling a Little Mistress number, and they're far from the only brand desperate to borrow a bit of…
Teach me, Zoella! Going back to school with the beauty vloggers
Age is a funny thing. I’m currently 26 and a half. The half never seemed important until this week, when I decided to initiate myself with the world of international YouTube darling Zoella – who is only two years, but apparently also a million light years, younger than me. ‘Over 25? Chances are you’ve never…
The week in hashtags: #DryJanuary, #UnitedWithIvy, #ShadesofRevlon, #RealLiveTransAdult
It's the first week of the year, and the internet's already been busy... #DryJanuary It's January, had you noticed? And because no month is ever just a month anymore, the arrival of 2015 has also brought with it Dry January, #Veganuary, #EatClean and a whole basketful of other opportunities for self-denial, self-improvement – and, let's…
How Twitter was a force for good in 2014
Twitter may well have been overtaken by Instagram of late, but it's still an incredibly powerful internet tool. Nothing spreads news quite like it, so yes, we may now be four days into the new year, but it's worth casting our minds back to see what we can learn from the Twittersphere of 2014 -…
#LetMeLibrarianThatForYou proves we were just as curious (and stupid) before Google
Cast your mind way, way, back to a world without Google. Remember what a barren wasteland the internet was when all we had to answer our burning questions was Netscape? Well, imagine a world even more harsh and unforgiving than that: where you had to either spend hundreds of pounds on a set of encyclopaedias…
‘Wolf of Wall Street’ and ‘Frozen’ are two of the top 20 pirated films of 2014
Funnily enough, a movie about the spoils of capitalism tops the list of most-pirated films this year. Yep, as the Radio Times reports, copyright intelligence company Excipio has revealed that Wolf of Wall Street was the most popular illegally downloaded film in 2014, apparently racking up 30.035 million illegal downloads and thus seriously restricting Leonardo…
More replies, fewer photos of sky: my social media resolutions for 2015
Because these are slightly easier than giving up cheese. I will take one photo of the sky a week, maximum I daren't look it up for fear it's something ominous to do with climate change, but I SWEAR the sky is more beautiful these days than it used to be. Or perhaps I'm just more boring these…
10 hair and makeup tutorials for New Year’s Eve
It's the night your hair and face have been waiting for! Start 2015 as you mean to go on – coiffed and glittered, or just slumped in front of YouTube... [nextpage title="next"] 1. Kathleen Lights' gilded eyes Glitter on your eyes stops being sexy the moment it migrates to your chin, so take a few tips…