Category: Trending
Psych yourself up with our Black Friday playlist
So, it's Black Friday: that horrifying post-Thanksgiving day of hysteria and mad scrambling for the sales which has somehow osmosed into British society from America. The term 'Black Friday' originates from the city of Philadelphia, where swarms of frantic pedestrians would cause massive disruptions to traffic. Another explanation, according to Wikipedia, is that retailers traditionally operated…
There are even Black Friday deals on marijuana in the U.S
Although a recent bandwagon-hopping trend in the UK, in the U.S Black Friday is a long-established tradition: a chance for Christmas shoppers to snap up bargains while the memory of a delicious turkey dinner keeps them warm. Like Boxing Day sales, only with an air of anticipation rather than depression. And it turns out those…
Since when did Black Friday become a thing in the UK?
Ahh Black Friday. For as long as I can remember it's been a tradition us Brits have watched in wide-eyed amazement from across the pond. 'They go THAT crazy for bags?', 'Why are they hitting each other like that?' and 'But... but it's only a t-shirt!'. Watching the footage always felt like going on a…
All the online Black Friday deals you need. Happy Shopping!
So, it turns out Black Friday is most definitely a thing in the UK now. We don't know how or when it happened, but we're definitely not complaining, because who doesn't love a bargain? To help you out a bit, and stop you from having to trawl around the internet finding the best deals to…
Tina Fey’s new show is coming to Netflix next spring
Not content with signing up the Queen (sort of), Netflix is also going into business with the Queen of comedy: Tina Fey. As Variety reports, the online streaming service has snapped up her new sitcom. Fey won’t actually appear in it, but she is writing and producing the show with Robert Carlock, who she worked…
The week in hashtags: #MyHungerGames, #AMAs, #ImageFromRochester, #MyDressMyChoice
This week, Twitter has been protesting economic and gender inequality, bad lunches and red carpet mistakes. Here's what you need to know. #MyHungerGames As everyone gears up for the release of Mockingjay: Part 1, the penultimate film in the $800 million-grossing Hunger Games franchise, US activists The Harry Potter Alliance have turned Suzanne Collins' fantasy story…
Ten of the best #FeministHackerBarbie responses on Twitter
First, screenwriter, bestselling author and long-time blogger Pamela Ribon highlighted the fact that children's book 'Barbie: I Can Be a Computer Engineer' not only doesn't teach kids what engineering involves, but promotes the message that women need a couple of dudes to hand for even the simplest task. (Genuine line from the text: '"I’m only…
Brace yourself: Mail Online could be turned into a TV show
Good news for anyone who thinks the Mail Online's sidebar of shame would be a hundred times better if it involved a couple of randoms shouting about famous women’s sideboob and cellulite instead. Yep, not content with being the most popular online newspaper in the UK and having over 44 million uniques a month in…
A look back at the big viral videos of 2014
The question being thrown at every ad agency in the country at this moment is this: how do we make it go viral? And no wonder – an advertising campaign which clocks up stratospheric shares can capture the hearts, the imaginations and most importantly the wallets of consumers. This year saw the release of the brilliant First…
Time magazine apologises for suggesting we ban ‘feminist’
Oh, you know what women are like. Always wanting equal rights, like the ability to walk down the street or to be on Twitter without being threatened with violence, or to be paid the same as men for work of the same value. Feminism: what a snooze, right? That seemed to be what Time magazine…