Study reveals Brits would rather scrub the toilet than clean the oven

  Taking out the bins, vacuuming, cleaning the toilet: the chore list feels endless and ever-growing. Chores are an inevitable part of daily life, with Brits spending an average of 3.5 hours a week on them. To uncover which chores Brits detest the most, Currys, the white goods and tech retailer, surveyed 2,000 people across the UK. The study also revealed the UK’s attitudes…

Dropping phone down toilet most common way to break it, among 18-24 year olds

  A new iSmash report uncovers the most common ways in which Brits break their mobile devices, from taking selfies to dropping phone in puddle 18-24-year-olds are the most likely to drop their phone down the toilet, with two thirds of those who broke their device admitting that this was how their device broke 25-34-year…